The Brimrose AOTF spectrometer will be one of the instruments integrated into and carried on the VIPER (Volatiles Investigating Polar Expedition Rover), which is pictured here. Thanks to a TRIDENT drill that also is included, the Brimrose spectrometer will be able to identify H2O bands existing below the Moon's surface. VIPER will be able to collect about 100 days' worth of data. The launch is tentatively set for December 2022. Artwork courtesy NASA Ames. (Courtesy: NASA)
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Two Brimrose spectrometers are now going to the Moon! A second Brimrose spectrometer has been selected by NASA. This one will provide a range of samples several miles wide and look below the Moon's surface for water on the Viper Rover. The dual channel Brimrose spectrometer can operate from 1.3 microns to 4 microns, encompassing the full range of where hydroxyl volatiles can be identified.